Charlie's first full comic book is here!

The maiden book from PowerPeoplePress is the limited title, State Fair, penned by Doc Spector and penciled, inked, and designed by Charles Christman.
Innocence was a state fair...
A microcosm of society, the American state fair draws from the spectrum of humanity, calling the landed gentry and the cowhand both, together for a week of brew and fried food. The story of State Fair is a warning, akin to Vice President Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, telling not what could happen, but will happen if we continue to permit people of different political and socioeconomic strata in unrestrained environments.
- Pierce & Audrey Bopple
To purchase your copy of State Fair - send an email to Charlie @
[email protected]
Click or copy and paste the link below to hear an interview with Charlie about State Fair -
To download a copy of the article below, please go to -
Innocence was a state fair...
A microcosm of society, the American state fair draws from the spectrum of humanity, calling the landed gentry and the cowhand both, together for a week of brew and fried food. The story of State Fair is a warning, akin to Vice President Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, telling not what could happen, but will happen if we continue to permit people of different political and socioeconomic strata in unrestrained environments.
- Pierce & Audrey Bopple
To purchase your copy of State Fair - send an email to Charlie @
[email protected]
Click or copy and paste the link below to hear an interview with Charlie about State Fair -
To download a copy of the article below, please go to -
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